Advantages for Applicants
The abcI delivers a candidate performance profile based on the latest scientific research. The results and the way they are determined are fully transparent, and every step can be verified. This means a fair process for applicants, as performance potential is the focus of assessment, and not age, gender, nationality, etc.
The abcÎ can be comfortably completed by applicants online at home within a time frame defined by the prospective employer. It takes about 20 to 90 minutes to complete, depending on the version. Applicants are free to choose the time and place for taking the test, making it easy to complete, even under a busy schedule.
Our team of experienced psychologists, coaches and consultants provides you and your applicants with much more than just test results. All participants receive detailed information in advance about how to take the abcÎ. Afterward, participants receive information about the results in writing, and, if desired, we can meet personally with candidates to discuss test outcomes.
Regardless of the results, applicants clearly benefit from the abcÎ and will be left with a positive impression of your company.