Areas of Application, Setting and Target Groups

Areas of application

Personnel selection

• pre-selecting applicants
• differentiating between applicants and confirming the final selection
• supplementing interviews and assessment centres

Human resource development

• making placement decisions
• recognising development potential
• deciding on development measures


The abcΠcan be completed by applicants at home as an online test. Alternatively, there is an iPad version that can be used on-site at your company’s assessment centre or as part of an executive assessment.

Target groups

Because it assesses fundamental achievement potential, the abcΠcan be administered in a wide range of professional settings and at different hierarchical levels. The abcΠoffers vital information for addressing specific questions and assuring the fulfilment of defined requirements. It also provides insight into the development potential of a candidate or employee.

Potential target groups:

  • Specialist employees and executives
  • Young professionals
  • Trainees
  • Apprentices

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