Close to 100% response rate for abcÎ instant feedback

by Harald Ackerschott, posted Jan. 22, 2019

Instant feedback, directly after working on our online assessment abcÎ, was introduced on the abcÎ online platform two months ago and almost all participants have used it: more than 99% of the participants, female, male, old, young, applicants for leading positions, young professionals, experts inside sales or field staff in service or sales experts and managers in Finance, HR, marketing, production, service, sales even candidates for apprenticeships.

Candidates came from different industries and sectors like stationary or online retail, industry, public administration, services or manufacturing, mechanical engineering, automotive, FMCG, consumer goods, the financial sector or food or chemical industry.

Candidates aimed at positions in organizations of all sizes, startups or hidden champions, in Stoxx 50 or DAX companies, and came from Germany, the UK, France or other places in Europe, as well as China, India, the Americas or Pakistan.

What they all had in common? They all did the abcÎ and almost all of them downloaded their personal performance profile directly after processing.

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