'English posts' Category
Close to 100% response rate for abcÎ instant feedback
Instant feedback, directly after working on our online assessment abcÎ, was introduced on the abcÎ online platform two months ago and almost all participants have used it: more than 99% of the participants, female, male, old, young, applicants for leading positions, young professionals, experts inside sales or field staff in service or sales experts and managers […]
Instant Feedback launched for abcÎ online assessment
Today we start our special service Instant Feedback for all applicants doing the abcÎ during their application process. Every participant of our online assessment abcÎ can directly access his or her result. The result is the individual performance profile, which describes the positioning of each participant in the relevant norm sample for each measurement dimension and […]
Assessment, recruiting, personnel selection – do I have to use tests do do it right?
Aptitude diagnostics supported by psychological testing procedures, online assessments or technologically even hipper procedures are a topic that has recently received exactly the attention it deserves. Assessments of new hires are among the most important decisions made in an organization. But I am often asked: „Do I have to introduce tests now?“ „Can I only […]
Gender discrimination in selection procedures, reflections from 30 years ago
This presentation was originally published as: Harald Ackerschott, COMMON ASPECTS OF RECRUITMENT PROCEDURES AND CAREER PLANNING IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS, in: Women in the higher public service: recruitment and career planning / ed. Barbara Wurster, Maastricht, European Institute of Public Administration, 1989 (professional paper), ISBN 10: 9067790451, ISBN 13: 978-9067790451 In the following text, […]
Diskriminierung in Auswahlverfahren, Überlegungen von vor 30 Jahren
Dieser Vortrag wurde ursprünglich veröffentlicht als : Harald Ackerschott, GEMEINSAME ASPEKTE VON EINSTELLUNGSVERFAHREN UND KARRIEREPLANUNG IM ÖFFENTLICHEN UND PRIVATEN SEKTOR, in: Les femmes dans la haute fonction publique: recrutement et plan de carrière / ed. Barbara Wurster, Maastricht, Institut Européen d’Administration Publique 1989 (Ètudes et documents), ISBN 90-6779-046-X, SISO 318.4 UDC 65.012.4-055.2:061.1 NUGI 693 Trefw.: […]
People assessment is key to the success of an organisation: ISO 10667 gives guidance for both, clients (organizations) and service providers
Now the international standard ISO 10667 will be reviewed and updatet by an international team of experts. You might join! First published on LinkedIn February 13, 2018 ISO 10667: Milestone and Lighthouse project Originally, ISO 10667 was result of a temporarily limited project within the framework of a project committee. In 2011, after an initiative […]
People change behavior and adapt to their environment if …
Label the thing: CHANGE Say, what it’s about: DIGITALIZATION (or globalisation or …. ) And then make everyone comfortable: „You don’t need to be scared.“ „There is nothing to worry about.“ „No reason to be afraid.“ Or you even order: „Stop worrying, get things done!“ Thus you have established a firm mental connection between FEAR […]
Wrap-Up of Human Resource Management Standards Week Mai 2017 London
Die Woche der analogen Arbeitsgruppensitzungen in London ist abgeschlossen. Es wurde an der Entwicklung globaler ISO Human Resource Management Normen gearbeitet. Jetzt geht es weiter mit virtuellen Sitzungen rund um die Welt, die von den Arbeitsgruppenleitern aus Deutschland, Großbritannien, Israel, Pakistan und den USA koordiniert werden. Intensiv wurde gearbeitet an: – Human Capital Reporting, – […]
Human Resource Standards Week
Closing in on the finish line in this weeks work on Human Resource Standards. Very concise Discussion in the recruitment Group: The cool message is: condense the topic of candidate experience! Don’t get distracted by all the fancy ideas and concepts. Concentrate on basics first. • Always make sure basic courtesy is applied. • Confirm […]
ISO Standards on Diversity and Inclusion
TC260: Human resource Management Standards week at CIPD and BSI in London The workgroup on the Human Resource Standard on Diversity and Inclusion starts the week. On the basis of the Global D&I Benchmarks (“GDIB”) we approach the topic. Inspiring subjects on the agenda include: – The Future of work is human, – The business […]