Wayne Cascio, Dave Ulrich, Dan Pink and Steve Wozniak, what a concentrated essence of expert thought! My personal highlight is the input I got from Steve Wozniaks life story. This is unbelievably valuable to make my case concerning the leadership of technical talent: Let the technical guys be like they are. Give them respect for […]
Li Cunxin, Artistic Director, Queensland Ballet, „Mao’s last Dancer“, stock broker Li Cunxin is a remarkable man borne of a remarkable story. From humble beginnings in rural China to the height of the global dance world, he told us his story as one of determination, passion, integrity and success. Growing up in a poverty stricken […]
Wayne Cascio, Robert H. Reynolds Chair in Global Leadership, University of Denver, author of milestones literatur on HR and a „rockstar of HR-strategy“ gave most valuable insights in the ways to align HR with the overall business. What some omit – but what is crucial to make a strategy is a strategy – is to […]
Special Topic: Recruiting and retention Julie Gebauer described demografic trends and how „amid market uncertainty and unpredictable employment trends, organizations are intensifying their focus on recruiting and retaining critical talent“. She addressed the Top issues in today’s labour markets and illustrated how companies can improve their ability to attract and retain the best people in […]
Dan Pink Dan Pink is one of the Authors who embrace social sciences and most especially psychology and make a popular book out of an important line of research. This gives psychology a great opportunity to become more influential as most social scientists do not write best selling books which make it o those lists: […]
Please find a great american blog-post about Dave Ulrich’s grreat presentation at the 14th World Human Resources Congress in Melburne written by the HR expert and Franz Gilbert: http://gilberthr.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/2nd-keynote-at-hrizon-in-with-david.html
Dave Ulrich ist eine Ikone, ein Leuchtturm der HR Theoriebildung oder wie er in Melbourne eingeführt wurde, ein HR „Gigant“. Es geht um Wertschöpfung. Ulrich hat die Entwicklung von HR als Profession reflektiert und den nächsten Schritt in der Weiterentwicklung der HR Perspektive beschrieben: Human Resource Management von Aussen nach Innen zu betreiben. Er meint […]
The center of the HR World this week is in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The 14th World Human Resource Congress invites to four days of workshops and presentations with and by Steve Wozniak, the WOZ, on Innovation; Dave Ulrich about the future of HR; Wayne Cascio on HR strategy, risks and rewards; Daniel H. Pink on […]
Das Zentrum der HR-Welt diese Woche ist in Australien, im Staat Victoria, in Melbourne, zum Beginn der Frühlingszeit. Der HRIZON Weltkongress zum HR Manegement bietet innerhalb von vier Tagen Vorträge und Workshops von und mit Steve Wosniak über Innovation, Dave Ulrich über zukünftige Anforderungen an HR, Wayne Cascio zu HR Strategie, risks and rewards, Daniel […]
Zuletzt stellt die Financial Times fest, dass die Finanzbranche beim Risikomanagement 20 Jahre hinter anderen Hoch-Risiko-Industrien her hinkt. Bankenkrise, Umweltschutz, Gesundheit, Vorsorge und Sorge um die Zukunft sind Themen, die uns auf vielen Ebenen beschäftigen. In Deutschland sind wir auch beim Sorgen gründlich. Das Ausland, besonderst der angelsächsiche Kulturkreis spricht sogar schon von einer „German […]